Meditation Matters Because It Expands your State of Consciousness 

I love meditation because it's a free way to expand our consciousness and largely accessible to anyone. However, many people don’t understand exactly why expanding consciousness is important or how mediation fits in.  This is vital to understanding how meditation can benefit us! 

What is an “Expanded State”?

Day to day we live in one state of consciousness, and many of us see only glimpses outside of this default mode — perhaps by marveling at nature or getting into a flow state through a favorite activity.  However, as we relax into meditation and direct our attention, we’re guided deeper and deeper to states we would not recognize as “ordinary reality.” For thousands of years, humans have looked to expand their consciousness whether through meditation, fasting, dance, sweat lodges, or other rituals. It's hard to describe what it feels like to be in different states of consciousness, but it may include experiencing timelessness, ‘aha’ moments, a sense of perfection about the world, or feelings of deep joy and ecstasy

Humans aren’t just interested in exploring consciousness because of our own curiosity or for a fun way to pass the time. Expanding consciousness has the potential for lasting benefits. In different states we can see beyond our developed beliefs and thoughts about ourselves and the world. This allows us to shift perspective and open to our raw experience without mental chatter. Seeing what is beyond daily life often facilitates spiritual growth and a feeling of connection between ourselves and the rest of the world. 

Meditation and Expanded States

While we don’t typically think of monks “tripping,” meditation can bring on altered states as strong as psychedelics. Both bring us to similar places, if not the same place.  In these states, we can witness our thoughts, emotions, and body sensations and grow in awareness that we are not them. We remember our true nature to see ourselves as a vast empty container witnessing it all. 

As we deepen in the practice we strengthen this witnessing consciousness, melding more and more with it. This can then be how we begin to operate in day to day life.   Meditation changes our brain, which learns through experience. Practicing and grounding this consciousness through meditation will influence us more than reading and theorizing ever could. Welcoming this experience, appreciating it, and sinking into it over and over again makes it a new way of being.

I find it important to avoid trying to explain with the mind what happens in mediation or other expanded states. Part of the human experience is surrendering to and loving the mystery we’re living. Being able to embody more of the meditative consciousness can’t be understood or forced by the mind. In fact, these experiences help us to realize we are not the mind and our being is much, much vaster. We understand this more fully when we relax, surrender, and open to the experience Now.  Remember, these experiences contain the mind and aren't created by it.

Through practicing being in this expanded state I often find spaciousness to respond rather than react to what’s happening in my daily life. I also feel more present. It was surprising to learn through meditation that there is nothing external we need in order to experience altered states of consciousness.  Through our very breath, awareness, and focus,  we can open into this incredible and different way of seeing the world. 

Message me here or comment below: Have you experienced expanded states through meditation?

If you are looking for help to develop a meditation practice to experience these benefits, you can schedule 1:1 coaching sessions here.